Monday, June 27, 2011

Teaching is a Gift Indeed! Thank You

 "Schooool's Out For Summerrrr. 
Schooools Out Forever!" 
 On the drive home from school, I was a little shocked both my sons knows the first verse to Alice Cooper's song, but ended smiling with gratitude, as I listened to them share highlights from their year,  how proud they are of their school, their teachers, and classmates.
Earlier in the day I attended their individual class award ceremonies where each teacher takes the time to share a student's trait they are most grateful for. Now, most know I cry at the drop off a hat, but to see tears of joy flow from teachers and parents alike was lovely. I was reminded how grateful I am for the friendship and support from other parents, the genuine care from teachers, their principal who leads with love, and for the enthusiasm, and school spirit from all the staff.
I am grateful for both my sons' teachers who encouraged and guided them with love and care.
Experiencing today how much the children trust, respect and care for their teachers, I am grateful.
Thank you Mrs. K and Miss I!
To the entire staff, kudos!
Have a restful summer and see you in September!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thanks Dad! Happy Father's Day!

My Dad circa 1950s

"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."  -Clarence Budington Kelland

"Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope."  -Bill Cosby

"Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever."  -Author Unknown 

"We have so much to be grateful for. Be grateful always and all will be great, always." -Elmer Helm

Thank you Dad, for sharing with me the power of giving-always encouraging me to live life as if it is my last day, with love, kindness, and gratitude to myself and others.

Love Your daughter, 

A recent photograph of my Mom and Dad. 
The photograph shows him receiving the Good Neighbours Awards presented by the Association of Neighbourhood Houses, where he worked for 37 years

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Win in Business by Being Nice- A Better Way to Lead

Peer-to-peer recognition is among an employer’s most powerful, cost effective tools for engaging employees.When employees are actively encouraged to notice and appreciate the behaviors of their colleagues that contribute to the company’s success you as a leader will create an environment that
is guaranteed to excite, inspire your team to give their best every day. Being nice, doesn’t’ mean being a push over, soft or vague. To be clear being nice and smart and having fun is easier than you think.
Here are 7 easy and free tips you can start today
1 Be specific in your appreciation. "Thank you for ensuring our deadline was met." "Thank you for staying late to finish the proposal, the client loves it." The message shows you noticed, and care.
2 Thank immediately. Make it easy for yourself by having a few thank you cards on hand- an extra effort detail vs. an email.
3 If you do use email to show appreciation, cc the CEO, or manager outlining how the employee's effort helped the company. Again, you will be seen as a team player.
4 Smile with eye contact.
5 Today, visit face to face at least 2 people who report to you. Tell them one great thing they do to make your job easier.
6 When you see a colleague who looks confused or overwhelmed, don’t walk by. Engage them. Ask how you can help.
7 Start a daily act of Kindness campaign either just for yourself, or better yet with your team, or entire organization. Track the results in a journal, blog or online community.

As a leader you must first look at your own behaviour. Show your daily appreciation and watch your team environment become stronger as people happily, enthusiastically carry out your goals. Recognition done right doesn't take a lot of money, it takes listening, creativity, and the ability to say
thank you.

Share with me ways you show your appreciation. Post your comment and you will be entered to win a gift set of our signature Thank You cards!