Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gratitude Attitude

Before you start your day, 
give a gift of thanks for waking up!
During your day, 
give a gift of gratitude- thank the person who helps you most often at work. 
Before you go to bed,
give a gift of thanks, by sharing one thing that made you smile during the day.

So who is willing to give it a try and share results?

Post your favorite gifts and what happened as a result- the powerful impact it made on your business and life. Giving a Gift a Day will make a difference in your life and in your company!

Read my inspiration for creating our Giving Project.

To giving gifts,

photo courtesy of Ludwig Interior Design

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Is It Summer Yet?

Well even it it's not quite summer, the weather sure feels like it (finally!) 
and we can't wait to share our summer must have gifts!
Check out our current issue of Giving for fresh, fun ideas 
for your upcoming 
recognition occasions and events!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

1950s photograph of my mom

Happy Mother's Day Mom!
Love Janet

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sharing a Custom Gift Project

Teck Resources- a company who truly values recognition with meaning is always a pleasure to collaborate with. 

Their objectives for this project:  Provide gifts for local and international government officials and executives involved in the opening of a new copper mine in Chile. 
Gifts are to be made of copper and be suitable to display on a desk.
Gifts are to be unique reflecting Teck's genuine appreciation.

Strategy: We designed hand blown glass paperweights with real copper leaf floating inside. We also designed copper coins with artwork of the local Chilean church where the mine exists, the Teck logo, and the event information in both Chilean Spanish and English. The coins were added into the glass during the manufacturing of the glass pieces. 

The result: "Janet, that is why we call you. You are such a great resource and we can always count on you to design unique gifts. Thank you!"

This was a meaningful project to collaborate on and I was thrilled with the final results.