Monday, June 28, 2010

The Giving Project Day 19 Une Tasse de Cafe

image complements from

I stopped for a morning coffee- "a quick stop," I thought.

I waited in line and waited, there was no eye contact when it was my turn, and I felt myself getting slightly annoyed. Then, just as fast as the emotion of frustration came, I stopped, and reminded myself I wasn't in Paris ordering a fresh croissant and cafe au lait -- the true experience I was after -- I was in fact on my way to a meeting, a few minutes behind, just a few extra moments to spare for a cup of caffeine, er, I mean, coffee. So I stopped, breathed, and found myself commenting to the servers how busy they were, and asked if it was usually so busy. One person smiled, and said yes, thanks for noticing. They were short staffed due to a colleague calling in sick. As I was handed my coffee, I thanked them, waved and just couldn't help a cheery, "Merci, Au Revoir" sing song.

My cup of coffee tasted tres bon.

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